Carmichael Imaging Center
4145 Carmichael Road
Montgomery, AL 35106

About this Location
With diagnostic services accredited through the American College of Radiology, Carmichael Imaging is one of the region's leading imaging centers. We offer advanced digital imaging services that include MRIs, CAT scans, PET/CT scans, nuclear medicine, digital X-rays, echoes and diagnostic ultrasounds. Our highly-trained, skilled and experienced physicians and staff work with all types of patients and their physicians to provide quality service. Specifically trained and credentialed professionals operate all technologies, with two board-certified radiologists onsite ready to discuss finding and make recommendations, as well as registered nurses on hand to assist you.
Carmichael Imaging performs PET scans to detect cancer within our patient’s bodies. Cancer cells absorb a radioactive material and then cancer cells appear as dark spots on the pictures (also healthy organs can appear dark as the radioactive material collects there – brain, kidney, bladder). The radioactive material used in a traditional PET scan is called FDG. FDG works well for many types of cancers - but not all. Patients diagnosed with neuroendocrine or carcinoid tumors do not always benefit from traditional FDG PET scans because those cancer cells do not absorb the FDG and are not seen on the PET scan.
Instead, these patients would be best served with a Gallium 68 PET scan. Carmichael Imaging successfully performed their very first Gallium 68 PET scan last week. This new imaging agent locates even the smallest neuroendocrine tumors – helping to diagnosis and treat at the earliest stages.
Common conditions we treat:
- CAT Scans
- Computer Tomography Angiography (CTA)
- CT (Computerized Tomography)
- Diagnostic Ultrasounds
- Digital X-rays
- Echocardiograms
- Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)
- MRI (Closed MRI)
- Nuclear Medicine
- Pet/CT