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Welcome to Baptist Health's Career Page!

This is your one-stop shop to search current job openings and apply for positions online! Whether you are a recent graduate or simply looking for a new direction in your current career, competitive benefits and growth opportunities await at Baptist Health.

For the best results, please search by keywords related to your desired position (RN, LPN, etc.). 

Current Baptist Health Team Members  New to Baptist Health?

RN Quick Apply

Please disable your browser pop-up blockers if you are having trouble accessing the career search page. Baptist Health also partners with other companies to serve our patients in areas such as IT/computer services, food services, and environmental services. To learn more about these opportunities, click here.

ATTENTION APPLICANTS: Please note that as of January 1, 2011, all Baptist Health facilities will be tobacco-free. For the protection of our patients, visitors and co-workers, no tobacco products will be allowed on Baptist grounds. By proceeding to apply for a position with Baptist Health, I understand that I will abide by the missionvalues and standards.

About Us

Baptist Health is recognized by Forbes as one of America’s best employers in the state of Alabama, highly ranked among all employers statewide.Forbes 2024

This distinguished list of the nation’s best employers was compiled by surveying 70,000 Americans from businesses with at least 500 employees across the United States, with surveys conducted on a rolling basis over the year. Baptist Health is honored by the votes of the very team members who make our healthcare system stand out as an employer of choice every day.

Now more than ever, these results speak to the power of collaboration, teamwork and caring for team members in EVERY season.  In this year and beyond, it is our honor to serve not only the patients of Central Alabama but the team members who provide their care.  

We welcome you to learn more about our organization below!

Learn More

Mission Statement

As a witness to the love of God through Jesus Christ, Baptist Health exists as a voluntary, not-for-profit organization to promote and improve the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of the people and communities it serves through the delivery of quality healthcare services provided within a framework of fiscal responsibility.

Statement of Values

  • Stewardship - We are responsible stewards of the time, talents, and resources entrusted to us to care for people we serve.
  • Honesty - We conduct our relationship with the people we serve, physicians, healthcare providers, and ourselves honestly, fairly, and consistently.
  • Attitude - We believe attitude is a choice and choosing a positive attitude is essential to achieve our mission.
  • Respect - We treat those we serve and those with whom we work with respect, compassion, and courtesy.
  • Excellence - We are committed to excellence and quality in caring for those we serve.

Employee Service Standards

  1. Make a commitment to our coworkers.
  2. Treat the people we serve as guests.
  3. Present a professional image.
  4. Answer the phone with a smile.
  5. Listen to one another and the people we serve.
  6. Anticipate the wants and needs of the people we serve.
  7. Work to effectively communicate with patients, families and each other.
  8. Maintain a safe, clean environment.
  9. Act to reverse negative situations.
  10. Respect the confidentiality of the people we serve, our physicians and fellow employees.
  11. Strive to master the skills needed to do your best for the people we serve.
  12. Positively represent Baptist Health in the workplace and the community.


Baptist Health participates in the United States Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify program. This program enables Baptist Health to use an online eligibility verification system for applications submitted. By using this program, we are able to be fully compliant with Federal law, which requires all employers to verify the identity and employment eligibility of all persons hired to work in the United States.   

For more information on E-Verify, please read the notices below:

Project SEARCH 

A high school transition program that provides training and education intended to lead to employment within the community for individuals with disabilities. Students who have completed their academic requirements may apply if they defer their last year of high school to participate in Project SEARCH.