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The Illumisite Platform - Illuminating Accuracy and Creating Confidence

Accuracy is everything when it comes to your healthcare journey, and Baptist Health is lighting the way with the Illumisite Platform.

Illumisite provides correct CT-to-body divergence, ensuring that the discrepancy between the static CT scan and the dynamic breathing lung is accurate in every way possible.

This opens up increased accuracy and lung biopsy location for your physician regardless of navigation technology and it provides needed confidence throughout the lung biopsy to ensure location accuracy and precision. Just what the doctor ordered!

With Illumisite, real-time imaging resolves any discrepancy that might be present between the static CT scan and your lung, and it uses fluoroscopic navigation technology to enhance the visibility of the nodule.

Being able to fully visualize alignment with the nodule throughout the procedure is vitally important. It allows local registration of the nodule along with the ability to adjust alignment during the procedure. Illumisite also provides the option to sample multi-directionally, ensuring alignment even after the locatable guide is removed. The Illumisite Platform allows expanded access to nodules outside the airway with the CrossCountry™ transbronchial access tool.


Learn more about Illumisite today!
