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Conditions and Treatments



The study of the normal function and diseases of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts and liver.

Gastroenterologists understand the intricate workings of the gastrointestinal organs.  They also recognize the normal action of the gastrointestinal organs including the movement of material through the stomach and intestine, the digestion and absorption of nutrients into the body, removal of waste from the system, and the function of the liver as a digestive organ.

Common conditions include:

Barrett’s esophagus

Barrett's esophagus is a serious complication of gastro esophageal reflux disease. In Barrett's esophagus, normal tissue lining the esophagus changes to tissue that resembles the lining of the intestine. There are no specific symptoms for Barrett’s esophagus but frequent heartburn and chest pains could be symptoms. It is treated by medication, monitoring, and possibly surgery.

Biliary duct stones

A biliary duct stone is when a stone becomes lodged in your bile duct due to the size of the stone or the anatomy of the biliary. Different surgical procedures are used to remove these stones, medication is also used as treatment to remove and break down the stones.

Colorectal cancer

This is a cancer of the colon and symptoms can include changes in bowel habits, changes in stool consistency, blood in the stool, and abdominal discomfort.  Depending on the size, location and how far the cancer has spread treatment varies. Commonly used treatment includes surgery to remove the cancer, chemotherapy as well as radiation therapy.

Gallbladder diseases

A disease that results from the dysfunction in the gallbladder which is a small organ that helps digestion. Treatment can vary depending the severity of the disease, but is treated with medication and possible surgery.

Gastrointestinal bleeding

This bleeding is not a disease but a symptom of various disease like hemorrhoids and even cancer of the colon. To look for the cause of the bleeding an endoscopy is usually performed.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

This is a digestive disease where stomach acid or bile irritates the food pipe lining. Acid reflux and heartburn that occurs more than twice a week may indicate GERD. Treatment could be as simple as lifestyle changes to the use of stronger medication.

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an infection that causes a virus that affects the liver and leads to inflammation. This is caused by the spread of contaminated blood like through the sharing of infected needles and unsterile tattoo equipment. Hepatitis C is treated with antiviral medicine and can the virus can possibly be eradicated from the body.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Inflammatory bowel disease, commonly referred to as IBD, is the ongoing inflammation of part or all of the digestive tract. Different medications including anti-biotics and anti- inflammatory drugs are used as treatment for IBD.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

This is an intestinal disorder which pain in the stomach, gas, diarrhea and constipation. This cannot be cured but it is possible to manage symptoms by managing diet, lifestyle, and stress but more severe cases may require medication.


Pancreatitis is a disease where the pancreas, the organ located behind the lower part of the stomach, becomes inflamed. Pancreatitis can either be acute or chronic. Acute cases are normally treated with IV fluids and medications, but more serious cases may need more intensive care and possible surgery.

Along with general gastroenterology and hepatology medicine, UAB gastroenterologists provide specialized interest in the following procedures and treatments:

Capsule endoscopy

Capsule Endoscopy allows your doctor to examine the lining of the middle part of your gastrointestinal tract. It is administered by your doctor giving you a pill sized camera for you to swallow and then the small camera takes pictures that your doctor will then later be able to examine. This examination allows your doctor to be able to evaluate your small intestine.

Esophageal manometry

Esophageal manometry is performed by your doctor to see if how well your esophagus is working. The test is used to help diagnose swallowing problems. The procedure is performed by a small pressure-sensitive tube being passed through your nose, down the esophagus and into your stomach. 

Chron’s & Colitis

Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract and could affect any part of the body from the mouth to the anus. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory condition specifically to the colon. Crohn’s disease cannot be cured but can be treated with medication and possible surgery.  Treatment for Colitis can include antibiotics and and ant inflammatory mediation.


Celiac disease is a digestive and autoimmune disorder that results in damage to the lining of the small intestine when foods that contain gluten are eaten. There is no cure for Celiac disease, and the only treatment is a gluten free diet.


Gastritis is a condition where the stomach lining becomes inflamed. Treatment typically includes changing diet habits along with some medication.


Pancreatitis is a disease where the pancreas, the organ located behind the lower part of the stomach, becomes inflamed. Pancreatitis can either be acute or chronic. Acute cases are normally treated with IV fluids and medications, but more serious cases may need more intensive care and possible surgery.

Liver disease

Treatment plans require a full assesment by the physician, open communication with the patient, and may involve surgical, non-surgical, and medicinal solutions.  We are committed to working with our patients to achieve the best possible outcomes.  
