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Find a Doctor buttonBaptist Health Endoscopy Services

Our approach to imaging at the Endoscopy Centers gives physicians a better view of a patient’s esophagus, stomach and colon, and our patient-friendly facilities are designed with you in mind. 

The Endoscopy Center at Baptist Medical Center East, Baptist Medical Center South and Prattville Baptist Hospital have amenities to make your procedure as comfortable as possible.

Procedures Offered:

These exams are designed to keep you comfortable while getting you back to your daily schedule as quickly as possible. Most involve a tube and a tiny camera inserted into the body so that the doctor can see inside the upper or lower GI tract.

Your doctor may recommend an endoscopy for various reasons:

  • Cancer Screenings — Colonoscopies screen for polyps in the colon that can sometimes lead to cancer.
  • Disease Diagnoses — Screenings and endoscopies are available to check for disease or determine the cause of symptoms that may present externally on the body, but must be studied internally.
  • Treatments —
    • Laparoscopic surgery often performed in the endoscopy suites utilizes small incisions and instruments that cause less bleeding than major surgery.
    • Endoscopic mucosal resection or endoscopic submucosal dissection surgery uses an endoscope inserted into the gastrointestinal tract where medications are delivered via endoscopy.

Schedule an Appointment

Appointments are available daily! Let our qualified team be a part of your healthcare. Or, reach out to one of our facilities now:

Endoscopy Center at Baptist East 
400 Taylor Road 
Montgomery, AL 36117 
(334) 747-8121 

Endoscopy Center at Baptist South 
2055 E. South Boulevard 
Morrow Tower, 1st Floor 
Montgomery, AL 36116 
(334) 286-3045 

Endoscopy Center at Prattville Baptist 
124 South Memorial Drive 
Prattville, AL 36067 
(334) 365-0651
