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Cardiac Rehabilitation


Cardiac Rehabilitation at Baptist Health

Cardiac rehabilitation is a medically supervised program designed to improve a cardiac patient’s function - physical, psychological and social.

Baptist Health Cardiac Rehabilitation program has been in operation since 1979. We take a team approach which includes the referring physician, dietitian, pharmacy staff, diabetic educator, Cardiac Rehabilitation nurses, exercise physiologists and you. You are the most important part.  The involvement of these professionals is evidence of our commitment to providing the highest quality care for each patient and his or her family.  But it’s you who truly benefits from the robust team approach.

What is involved in cardiac rehabilitation?Find a doctor    button

You will engage in a supervised exercise program while on a heart monitor. Licensed staff members are available at all times in the event you need emergency medical treatment.  So you have nothing to fear – we’re here while you push yourself to do your best and improve your heart function at each session. 

Some of the benefits include:

  • strengthening and conditioning of your heart and lungs
  • controlling your weight
  • lowering your total cholesterol levels
  • understanding your medications
  • recognizing signs and symptoms of heart disease and when to seek medical attention
  • providing emotional support for you and your family.

How long does someone stay in cardiac rehab?

The duration of your visits will depend on your risk factors and the assessment done by the cardiac rehabilitation staff. Most patients usually qualify for 12-36 visits. The time allowed to complete these sessions is usually dictated by your insurance company.

Since 1998, the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) has certified programs in order to recognize programs that were meeting the standards put forth in the published Guidelines for Pulmonary and Cardiac Rehabilitation.

The Cardiac Rehabilitation Program of Baptist Medical Center South has met strict standards and has been awarded certification through the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Entrance to the program will require a physician referral. If you feel you could benefit from our services, discuss the program with your physician and request a referral.

Cardiac Rehab


