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Breastfeeding Support


Baptist Health Breastfeeding Support

Breastfeeding offers many health benefits for moms and babies from reducing the risk of illnesses for your baby to helping you recover more quickly after the birth. Baptist Health lactation services assist new moms with classes, on-site lactation consultations and products to help you and your baby breastfeed successfully.

Although breastfeeding is a natural process, we know it can take some trial and error to establish a routine. Through the lactation services at Baptist Medical Center East and Baptist Medical Center South, nurses who are internationally board-certified lactation consultants provide breastfeeding education and support to moms throughout their breastfeeding journey. 

That begins with lactation classes before the baby is born. It continues while you’re in the hospital where lactation consultants will visit you daily.

Even when you leave the hospital, we’re available seven days a week, including holidays, by phone and for outpatient visits. Moms can rent breast pumps and find other supplies from the Lactation Center at Baptist Medical Center East.

Baptist’s retail, phone and outpatient services are available to any mother, regardless of whether she delivered her baby at Baptist or another facility.

Why Is Breastfeeding Best For Babies?

Research shows that breastfed babies have a lower risk of:

  • Asthma
  • Childhood leukemia
  • Childhood obesity
  • Ear infections
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Eczema
  • Respiratory infections
  • Necrotizing enterocolitis, a disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract in premature babies
  • Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
  • Type 2 diabetes

How Does Breastfeeding Help New Moms?

Breastfeeding offers many health and psychological benefits for new moms.

The release of hormones while breastfeeding enhances the bond between moms and their babies. Prolactin produces a peaceful, nurturing sensation allowing moms to relax and concentrate on their baby while nursing. Oxytocin promotes a strong sense of love and attachment between mom and baby. It also helps return the uterus to its regular size more quickly and reduces postpartum bleeding.

Other breastfeeding benefits for moms include:

  • Lower rates of breast and ovarian cancer
  • Lower risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Ease of feeding while away from home and at night without having to assemble bottles
  • Cost savings by not buying formula

Breastfeeding Classes at Baptist Health

Baptist Medical Center South and Baptist Medical Center East each offer prenatal breastfeeding classes either as a separate class or as part of a childbirth class, depending on the location. Partners are encouraged to participate in the class as well. 

 Moms will learn:

  • The advantages of breastfeeding
  • Basic anatomy and physiology of milk production
  • Techniques to promote successful breastfeeding

They will also get information on breastfeeding equipment and supplies.

Breastfeeding Support at Home

Our breastfeeding support doesn’t end when you and your baby leave the hospital. Moms can call the lactation support line to get advice and make an outpatient appointment with a nurse. They can even bring their baby back for weight checks to make sure the baby is gaining weight.

Baptist Health also organizes breastfeeding support groups for new moms.

How to Reach Us:

To speak with a lactation consultant or to learn more about the lactation center, please call:
