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Childbirth Classes


Learn More ButtonBaptist Health Childbirth Classes

To Baptist Health, babies are small wonders — and our prenatal classes educate families and help you prepare for welcoming your little one.

We have happily been a part of thousands of births. In fact, we deliver more miracles of birth each year than any other facility in Central Alabama.

Having a baby is an exciting time for parents and families, but it can also be a time filled with many questions about labor and delivery, parenting, and safety. To help prepare expecting parents, new parents and their families, Baptist Health provides a comprehensive parent/family education program through our various medical centers.

Find a Childbirth Class

Learn more about our Prenatal Education Program or email smallwonders@baptistfirst.org.

Register for a Breastfeeding Class at Baptist Medical Center South by emailing lactation@baptistfirst.org or by calling (334) 747-2829.

A 10% class discount is available to Baptist Health employees and members of the military. ID required.Obstetrics AwardWomen's Services Award
