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Health Career Exploring Program

The Exploring Program is a division of the Boy Scouts of America. This program is created through partnerships with thousands of businesses, organizations and state, local and federal agencies nationwide and is designed to give students the ability to explore several career opportunities.   

The Baptist Health-sponsored Health Exploring Program provides students, 9th - 12th grade, who have a common interest in health care careers an opportunity to expand their knowledge through discussions, guest speakers, projects, tours and simulations. This program also offers mentoring and community service activities. We perform community service projects to enhance the character of each student. 

Baptist Health truly believes that if a student’s intent is to pursue a career in health care, they need a servant heart and helping hands. Exploring meetings are hosted monthly in Montgomery and Prattville.  

At orientation, Exploring students will indicate which meeting they wish to attend. Meetings are hosted in Montgomery on the first Monday of each month at the Institute for Patient Safety and Medical Simulation. The Prattville meetings are hosted on the first Tuesday of each month at Prattville Baptist Hospital. Orientation is hosted each year in September and the first official meeting is in October. The program lasts the entire school year and the award ceremony in which students receive their certificate of completion is in May. 

Participants will also have the ability to earn leadership experience by being elected to an officer position of the program. This registration fee is paid to the Boy Scouts of America and covers liability and insurance costs for the program. Baptist Health provides the materials and meals for all of the meetings free of charge. In return for the sponsorship, we ask that all participants commit to attending the monthly meetings and actively explore health care careers.   

You can find more information about Exploring at www.learningforlife.org. If you are interested in participating in the Health Careers Exploring Program at Baptist Health, please email marketing@baptistfirst.org.