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Sleep Medicine

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Connect with us buttonBaptist Health Sleep Medicine Services

Need more and better sleep? Lack of and poor sleep can have serious consequences on your health ranging from immune system impact to slow reflexes, impaired judgment, and more. Our team of sleep experts offers specialized support so you can return to restful sleep for optimal health.

Our sleep experts specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of all sleep disorders including:

  • Sleep apnea (non-breathing episodes during sleep)
  • Narcolepsy (a disorder of excessive sleepiness)
  • Sleepwalking
  • Night terrors
  • Nocturnal myoclonus (periodic limb movements)
  • Insomnia (lack of sleep)

Sleep Apnea Treatments

A common sleep disorder that affects many Americans is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). The disorder causes a reduction in oxygen flow during sleep, often waking an individual up to briefly take a breath—a cycle that can repeat hundreds of times per night. Untreated OSA—or "sleep apnea" is serious and can result in mood swings, memory loss, stroke, heart attacks, or even death.

  • CPAP
    • If you suffer from sleep apnea we are here to help! Baptist Health offers CPAP options through all of our Sleep Disorder Centers and our new Inspire Sleep Apnea Technology to qualifying patients at our Baptist Medical Center South location. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is the most commonly used solution for sleep apnea. Patients wear a mask attached to a hose that uses pressurized air to maintain open patient airways during sleep cycles.
  • No Hose! Inspire Sleep Apnea Technology (Inspire)
    • Inspire is an FDA-approved sleep apnea treatment that works by implanting the Inspire system under the skin With only three small surgical incisions. Inspire works inside the body, mildly stimulating the airway muscles to keep them functioning optimally to produce a healthy natural breathing process that encourages sleep. Patients find the small handheld remote that turns Inspire on to be a simple step in their sleep routine ushering in peaceful nights of rest. Reports show that 90% of patients’ bed partners reported soft or no snoring and 94% of Inspire patients were satisfied with their results.
  • Inspire Works!
    • 90% of bed partners reported no snoring or soft snoring
    • 79% reduction in sleep apnea events
    • 94% of people are satisfied with Inspire
    • 96% of Inspire patients say Inspire is better than CPAP & would recommend Inspire to others
Inspire Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

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Three Locations To Best Serve You

Baptist Health Sleep Disorders Centers are conveniently located in Montgomery at Baptist Medical Center South and Baptist Medical Center East, and in Prattville at Prattville Baptist Hospital.

We are accredited by the American Academy of Sleep and have five board-certified physicians and a clinical psychologist. Our teams can diagnose over 80 different sleep disorders and serve up to 16 patients nightly across our locations.

Need a sleep study? Contact any of our Sleep Disorder Centers to begin the process.

Baptist Medical Center East
(334) 213-5051

Baptist Medical Center South
(334) 747-3252

Prattville Baptist Hospital
(334) 568-4335
